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Simulation of Mars Rover Movement Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Definition (MarsRover):
    • Private Members:
      • x and y: Coordinates of the rover on a 2D grid.
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      • direction: The direction the rover is facing (N for North, E for East, S for South, W for West).
    • Public Methods:
      • MarsRover(int x, int y, char direction)
        : Constructor to initialize the rover’s position and direction.
      • void move(const std::string& commands): Processes a string of commands (L for turn left, R for turn right, M for move forward).
        • Calls turnLeft(), turnRight(), or moveForward() based on each command.
      • void printPosition() const: Prints the rover’s current position and direction.
    • Private Methods:
      • void turnLeft(): Changes the rover’s direction when turning left.
      • void turnRight(): Changes the rover’s direction when turning right.
      • void moveForward(): Moves the rover one unit forward in the direction it is facing.
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  2. main Function:
    • Creates a MarsRover object with default initialization.
    • Prompts the user to enter a string of commands.
    • Executes the commands using the move method.
    • Prints the final position and direction of the rover.
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