Simulation of Memory Allocation Algorithms Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Definition (MemoryAllocator):
    • Private Members:
      • totalSize: Total size of the memory.
      • memory: A vector of booleans representing memory blocks; true for allocated and false for free.
    • Public Methods:
      • allocateFirstFit(int size): Allocates a contiguous block of memory of the given size using the First Fit algorithm.
        • Searches for the first block of sufficient size and marks it as allocated.
        • Returns true if successful, otherwise false.
      • deallocate(int start, int size): Frees a block of memory starting at the given index for the specified size.
      • printMemory() const: Prints the current state of memory (1 for allocated, 0 for free).
  2. main Function:
    • Prompts the user for the total memory size and creates a MemoryAllocator object.
    • Provides a menu for:
      • Allocating memory using the First Fit algorithm.
      • Deallocating memory.
      • Printing the current state of memory.
      • Exiting the program.
    • Handles user input to perform the chosen operations and manage memory.

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