Projects Inventory

Simulation of Predictive Analytics Gaming Project in C++


  1. Function mean(const std::vector<double>& data):
    • Purpose: Computes the mean of a dataset.
    • Implementation: Uses std::accumulate to sum the data and divides by the number of elements.
  2. Function linearRegression(const std::vector<double>& x, const std::vector<double>& y, double& slope, double& intercept):
    • Purpose: Calculates the slope and intercept of the linear regression line.
    • Parameters:
      • x: Vector of independent variable values.
      • y: Vector of dependent variable values.
      • slope: Reference to store the calculated slope of the line.
      • intercept: Reference to store the calculated intercept of the line.
    • Implementation:
      • Computes the mean of x and y.
      • Calculates the numerator and denominator for the slope formula.
      • Computes the slope and intercept of the regression line.
  3. Function predict(double x, double slope, double intercept):
    • Purpose: Predicts the value of y for a given x based on the linear regression model.
    • Implementation: Applies the linear regression formula y=mx+by = mx + b.
  4. Main Function:
    • Setup: Initializes example data for x and y values.
    • Calculation:
      • Calls linearRegression to compute the model parameters.
      • Displays the slope and intercept.
    • Prediction:
      • Prompts the user for a value of x
      • Uses predict to estimate the corresponding y value and displays the result.


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