Simulation of Project in C++ Management Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Task:
    • Purpose: Represents a single task within a project.
    • Attributes:
      • name: Name of the task.
      • assignedTo: Person responsible for the task.
      • priority: Priority level of the task (e.g., 1-10).
      • isComplete: Status indicating whether the task is complete.
    • Methods:
      • markComplete(): Marks the task as complete.
      • print(): Prints task details in a formatted manner.
  2. Class Project:
    • Purpose: Manages a collection of tasks.
    • Attributes:
      • tasks: Vector of Task objects.
    • Methods:
      • addTask(): Adds a new task to the project.
      • markTaskComplete(): Marks a specific task as complete by its index.
      • printTasks(): Prints the details of all tasks.
  3. Main Function:
    • Setup: Creates an instance of Project.
    • Menu: Provides a menu for the user to add tasks, mark tasks as complete, print tasks, or exit the program.
    • Input Handling: Reads user input to manage tasks and interact with the project management system.


  • Task Management: Allows adding new tasks, marking tasks as complete, and printing task details.
  • User Interaction: Provides a simple text-based menu to interact with the project management system.

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