Simulation of Reinforcement Learning Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • GRID_SIZE: Size of the grid (5×5).
    • ALPHA: Learning rate, which controls how much new information overrides old information.
    • GAMMA: Discount factor, which models the importance of future rewards.
    • EPSILON: Exploration rate for the epsilon-greedy policy.
    • NUM_EPISODES: Number of training episodes for the Q-learning algorithm.
  2. Class QLearningAgent:
    • Attributes:
      • qTable: A 2D vector representing the Q-table with states and actions.
    • Methods:
      • chooseAction(const State& state): Chooses an action based on the epsilon-greedy policy.
      • updateQTable(const State& state, int action, double reward, const State& nextState): Updates the Q-table based on the agent’s experience.
  3. Function printGrid(const State& agentPos, const State& goalPos):
    • Purpose: Prints the grid showing the positions of the agent (A) and goal (G).
  4. Main Function:
    • Setup: Initializes the Q-learning agent, sets the goal position, and defines rewards.
    • Training Loop:
      • The agent starts at the initial position and learns to navigate to the goal.
      • Chooses actions, moves, and updates the Q-table.
    • Final Output:
      • Prints the trained Q-table.
      • Displays the final grid showing the agent’s goal.


  • Reinforcement Learning Simulation: Demonstrates a basic implementation of Q-learning for an agent navigating a grid.
  • Agent Training: Shows how an agent can learn from exploration and exploitation to reach a goal.

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