Projects Inventory

Simulation of Robot Motion Gaming Project in C++


  1. Robot Class:
    • Attributes:
      • x, y: Coordinates of the robot on a 2D grid.
    • Methods:
      • move(char direction): Updates the robot’s position based on the direction command.
        • ‘U’: Moves the robot up by incrementing the y-coordinate.
        • ‘D’: Moves the robot down by decrementing the y-coordinate.
        • ‘L’: Moves the robot left by decrementing the x-coordinate.
        • ‘R’: Moves the robot right by incrementing the x-coordinate.
      • printPosition(): Displays the current position of the robot.
  2. Main Function:
    • Robot Creation: Initializes a Robot object at the origin (0, 0).
    • Control Loop:
      • Continuously prompts the user for a command to control the robot.
      • Commands:
        • ‘U’: Move up.
        • ‘D’: Move down.
        • ‘L’: Move left.
        • ‘R’: Move right.
        • ‘Q’: Quit the simulation.
    • Position Update: Calls move method to update the robot’s position based on the command.
    • Simulation End: Prints the final position of the robot when the user quits.


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