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Simulation of Speech Processing Algorithms Gaming Project in C++


  1. Helper Functions:
    • toLowerCase Function:
      • Converts a given string to lowercase to facilitate case-insensitive comparisons.
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    • detectKeyword Function:
      • Checks if any of the specified keywords are present in the speech data. Converts both the speech and keywords to lowercase for a case-insensitive search.
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    • frequencyAnalysis Function:
      • Analyzes the frequency of each word in the speech data. It uses a simple map to count occurrences of each word.
  2. Main Function:
    • Speech Data: Contains a sample speech text.
    • Keywords: A list of keywords to search for in the speech.
    • Keyword Detection: Calls detectKeyword to check for the presence of keywords.
    • Frequency Analysis: Calls frequencyAnalysis to print out the frequency of each word in the speech data.
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