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Simulation of TCP/IP Protocol Gaming Project in C++

Client cpp


Server (server.cpp):

  1. Socket Creation:
    • socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0): Creates a TCP socket.
    • AF_INET: Address family for IPv4.
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    • SOCK_STREAM: Specifies a TCP socket.
  2. Bind Socket:
    • bind(): Binds the socket to the specified address and port.
  3. Listen and Accept:
    • listen(): Marks the socket as passive and ready to accept incoming connections.
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    • accept(): Waits for an incoming connection and accepts it.
  4. Read Data:
    • read(): Reads data from the socket into a buffer.
  5. Close Socket:
    • close(): Closes the socket connections.

Client (client.cpp):

  1. Socket Creation:
    • socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0): Creates a TCP socket.
  2. Server Address:
    • inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &serv_addr.sin_addr): Converts IP address to binary form.
  3. Connect to Server:
    • connect(): Connects the client socket to the server’s address.
  4. Send Data:
    • send(): Sends a message to the server.
  5. Close Socket:
    • close(): Closes the socket connection.


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