Simulation of Water Ripple Effect Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • GRID_SIZE: Size of the grid representing the water surface.
    • DAMPING_FACTOR: Factor by which the ripple strength decreases each step.
    • RIPPLE_STRENGTH: Initial strength of the ripple.
    • RIPPLE_RADIUS: Radius of the ripple effect.
    • NUM_STEPS: Number of simulation steps to run.
  2. initializeGrid Function:
    • Initializes the grid with all zero values, representing a flat water surface.
  3. createRipple Function:
    • Generates a ripple effect centered at (centerX, centerY) with the given strength.
    • The ripple strength decreases with distance from the center, within the specified RIPPLE_RADIUS.
  4. updateGrid Function:
    • Updates the grid based on the average values of adjacent cells and applies the damping factor.
    • Simulates the spreading of the ripple over time.
  5. printGrid Function:
    • Prints the current state of the grid, formatting the values for readability.
  6. Main Function:
    • Initializes the grid and creates an initial ripple effect at the center of the grid.
    • Prints the initial state and simulates the ripple effect over a specified number of steps, updating and printing the grid at each step.


  • Grid Size: Represents the water surface as a 2D grid of cells.
  • Ripple Effect: Simulates the effect of a ripple starting at the center of the grid and spreading outwards.
  • Damping: Applies a damping factor to simulate the gradual decrease in ripple strength over time.

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