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Sudoku Solver Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • SIZE: Defines the size of the Sudoku grid (9×9).
  2. printGrid Function:
    • Prints the Sudoku grid to the console, showing numbers and spaces.
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  3. isValid Function:
    • Checks if placing a number in a specific cell is valid:
      • Row Check: Ensures the number is not already in the same row.
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      • Column Check: Ensures the number is not already in the same column.
      • 3×3 Subgrid Check: Ensures the number is not already in the 3×3 subgrid.
  4. solveSudoku Function:
    • Uses backtracking to solve the Sudoku puzzle:
      • Finds an empty cell (represented by 0).
      • Tries placing numbers (1 to 9) in the cell and recursively solves the rest of the grid.
      • If placing a number leads to a solution, the function returns true.
      • If no number is valid, it backtracks by resetting the cell to 0 and tries the next number.
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  5. main Function:
    • Initializes a Sudoku grid with some cells empty (represented by 0).
    • Calls solveSudoku to solve the puzzle.
    • Prints the solved Sudoku grid if a solution is found, or an error message if no solution exists.


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