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Use Case Descriptions of Online Animals Buy and Sale

Use Case Description 1

Table 3.4.2-1 Use Case 1
Use Case Number 01
Use Case Name Login /Register
Actors Buyers/Sellers/Doctors
Description Allows users of the system to login and register.
Pre-Condition The users (buyers, sellers, doctors) must have user account.
Post-Condition Users Login and use respective functions of the system.
a) User’s wishes to Register.
b) The system displays the Register Page that asks the
user to enter all his information.
c) The user submits their information to register to the
Basic Course of d) Saves the data in the database.
action A e) User’s wishes to Login.
f) The system displays the Login Page that asks the user
to enter the email and password.
g) If user account exists user can login otherwise has to
register himself first.
h) The controller verifies the email and password.
i) The system displays access page for the respective
j) Use case ends.
Alternative course If the user has not created his/her account he has to register first.
of action A A1: The application asks to enter the correct email and password.
A5: The application does not display access page for the
respective user.
A6: use case end.


Use Case Description 2


Table 3.4.2-2 Use Case 2
Use Case Number 02
Use Case Name Upload new Classifieds
Actors Sellers/Doctors
Description Allows sellers of the system to upload and verify new classifieds..
Pre-Condition The seller must have an account.
Post-Condition The Doctors locations are displayed on the map.
a) Seller wishes to Upload a new classified.
b) The system displays the Upload Ads Page that asks
the user to enter all the information about the
c) The user submits the information to upload classified
Basic Course of to the system.
action A d) Saves the data in the database.
e) For completing the upload user has to verify his
classified, so he has to find a doctor.
f) The system displays the Doctor’s list located near to
the seller location.
g) User requests a doctor for verification of the
h) The doctor accepts and verifies the classified.
i) The system uploads the classified for the buyer.
j) Use case ends.
Alternative course If the user has not created his/her account he has to register first.
of action A •  After entering correct email password user can login and
upload classifieds.
•  If user has not allowed the permissions for Locations:
•  Application shows a message to enable Location.
•  User has to verify classified otherwise it remains pending
for upload.
•  Use Case ends.


Use Case Description 3

Table 3.4.2-3 Use Case 3
Use Case Number 03
Use Case Name Find new Classifieds
Actors Buyers
Description Allows buyers of the system to find new classifieds..
Pre-Condition The buyer must have an account.
Post-Condition The Location of uploaded classified is shown on the map.
a) The system allows the buyer to find a new uploaded
b) Buyer can view a selected classified and its detail if
c) Buyer can have access to the seller’s contact in case of
Basic Course of dealing for the classified.
action A d) System allows the buyer to view the nearest classifieds
based on the location.
e) Buyer can view several classifieds according to his needs
and demands.
f) Use Case ends.
Alternative course If the user has an account he can access the classified otherwise:
of action A First he has to Login.
If the user has not allowed the Location Permission:
System cannot find the nearest location based classified.
System would generate a message to allow the permission
for the Location.
Use Case ends.

Use Case Description 4

Table 3.4.2-4 Use Case 4
Use Case Number 04
Use Case Name Reports and Complains
Actors Sellers/Buyers/Administrators/Doctors
Description Allows users of the system to report and complain upon an issue.
Pre-Condition The users must have an account to report or complain.
Post-Condition The report and complain option would be enabled to every user.
a) User wishes to report or complain upon an issue.
b) System allows the user to report or complain against an
Basic Course of issue.
action A c) The System displays the complaint or Report Page to the
d) User enters the details and describes his/her complaint.
e) System submits the complaint and forwards it to the
administrator for further action.
f) Use Case ends.
Alternative course If the user has not created his/her account he has to register first.
of action A After entering correct email password user can login and
report or complain.
If the user has not entered the description of the complaint:
System Shows a message to enter the detailed description
about the complaint or report upon an issue.
Use case ends.


Use Case Description 5

Table 3.4.2-5 Use Case 5
Use Case Number 05
Use Case Name Manages Operations
Actors Administrators
Description Allows administrator of the system to manage all the operations.
Pre-Condition The administrator would have access to all the accounts and data.
Post-Condition The operations detail will be available to the administrator.
a) Administrator would have the access to manage, delete,
update and block the users upon their misbehavior.
b) Administrator is responsible for the uploaded classified are
Basic Course of mean and perfect.
action A c) Administrator can have the access to block the buyers,
seller and doctors.
d) Administrator receives the complains and reports upon
e) Administrator is responsible to carry out further actions
against the complains and reports.
f) Administrator can block or delete the user account if he or
she is found guilty.
g) Use Case ends.
Alternative course Administrator has to manage all the accounts and data:
of action A If a user complains and complain is a prank complaint:
•  System allows the admin to delete or block the
•  Admin will block or delete as the system asks to.
Use case ends.

More helping Material for Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

  1. SRS Document of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  2. Download ASP source code of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  3. Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  4. Use case diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  5. Use Case Descriptions of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  6. Class diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale FYP
  7. Sequence diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  8. ERD diagram of SALE PURCHASE Entity relationship diagram
  9. Software Testing of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  10. PPT Presentation of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
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