Video Player Gaming Project in C++


  1. Include Libraries:
    • #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>: Includes OpenCV for video processing.
    • #include <iostream>: Used for input and output operations.
  2. Open Video File:
    • VideoCapture cap("path/to/your/video.mp4");: Opens the video file for reading.
    • Checks if the file was opened successfully. If not, prints an error message and exits.
  3. Create Window:
    • namedWindow("Video Player", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);: Creates a window to display the video frames.
  4. Playback Control:
    • bool isPaused = false;: Initializes a flag to control playback state.
    • Inside the loop:
      • If isPaused is false, capture a new frame from the video.
      • If frame.empty(), it means the video has ended, and the loop is exited.
      • imshow("Video Player", frame); displays the current frame in the window.
      • waitKey(30); waits for 30 milliseconds for a key press. If ‘q’ is pressed, the loop exits. If ‘p’ is pressed, it toggles the isPaused state to pause or resume playback.
  5. Cleanup:
    • cap.release();: Releases the video file resource.
    • destroyAllWindows();: Closes all OpenCV windows.

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