Abstract of PUBG like project

Abstract of PUBG like project

Gaming as a source of entertainment is as old as computer itself. One person shooting game has always its own craze. It is still very popular among current generation and there is no replacement of seems available in the near future. Game developers are improving their games by introducing real time gaming experience. They try to involve player in such a way that player feels he itself is involved in gamming environment. With the advent of technology different technologies are introduced in gaming industry to meet the hunger for real time experience. Virtual reality can be declared future of the games. Games in Virtual reality are becoming very popular among the people nowadays, it is the trend of current and future generations. With the introduction of VR, the concept of a virtual world is no longer a fantasy but a reality. Our purpose is to create an entertainment platform for the people which is the basic need of anyone when he/she will play the game. In this age people want the real environment which exits in our thoughts but not tangible, so through this gaming process we will be able to create environment for the people in which they can act according to their thinking. They can act or play with objects which they see in game. In short we want to say that people will play in another world for some time to entertain their self. PUBG is such a type of game with new environment. Our work for developing the game includes many steps, we divide our problem into sub problems and sequence diagram is very helpful for understanding the functionality of our game. So we can say our game will provide gaming environment which can be the source of great interest for the people who will play it. It will attract many new and old gamers. We had developed basic and some advance functionalities of shooter. He can move, shoot, gets activated on looking bot. Addition of some more features will be last nail in the coffin.

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