Functional Requirements Description | |
Client Login | This element utilized by the client/administrator to login into framework. A client/administrator must login with his client name and secret word to the framework after enlistment. In the event that they are invalid, the client not permitted to enter the framework.
– Username and secret key will be given after client enrollment is affirmed.
– Password ought to be stowed away from others while composing it in the field
Register New User | Another client should enlist in the framework by giving fundamental subtleties to see the items in the framework. The administrator should acknowledge another client by unblocking him.
– System should have the option to confirm and approve data.
– The framework should scramble the secret phrase of the client to give security.
Add To Cart | The client can add the ideal item into his truck by clicking add to truck choice on the item. He can see his truck by tapping on the truck button. All items added via truck can be seen in the truck. Client can reset a thing from the truck by clicking reset. In the wake of affirming the things in the truck the client can present the truck by giving a conveyance address. On fruitful presenting the truck will get unfilled.
– System should guarantee that, lone an enlisted client can buy things.
Search products | The client can look through the ideal item. He can see portrayal of item. Subsequent to affirming the things in the inquiry client can choose it into truck by giving a conveyance address.
·Manage user | The head can add client, erase client, see client. |
·Manage products | The chairman can add item, erase item, shroud item and view item. |
·Manage orders | The chairman can see orders and erase orders.
– The framework should recognize the login of the administrator.
– Admin record ought to be gotten so just administrator can get to that account.