Genetic Algorithm Simulation Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • TARGET: The target string to be matched by the genetic algorithm.
    • POPULATION_SIZE: Number of candidate strings in each generation.
    • STRING_LENGTH: Length of the target string.
    • MUTATION_RATE: Probability of mutation in each gene (character).
    • MAX_GENERATIONS: Maximum number of generations to run the algorithm.
  2. Generating Random Strings (generateRandomString):
    • Creates a random string of uppercase letters. This represents a candidate solution.
  3. Calculating Fitness (calculateFitness):
    • Measures how close a candidate string is to the target string. Fitness is the number of characters that match the target.
  4. Crossover (crossover):
    • Combines parts of two parent strings to create a child string. A crossover point is randomly chosen to split the parents.
  5. Mutation (mutate):
    • Randomly alters characters in a string based on the mutation rate.
  6. Genetic Algorithm (geneticAlgorithm):
    • Initializes a population of random strings.
    • Evaluates fitness and identifies the best candidate in each generation.
    • Creates a new population using crossover and mutation.
    • Stops if the target string is found or the maximum number of generations is reached.
  7. Main Function (main):
    • Calls the geneticAlgorithm function to start the optimization process.

Possible Enhancements:

  • Elitism: Preserve a few of the best candidates from each generation to ensure the best solutions are not lost.
  • Diverse Crossover Methods: Experiment with different crossover techniques.
  • Enhanced Mutation: Implement more sophisticated mutation strategies.
  • User Input: Allow users to specify the target string, population size, and other parameters.


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