Simulation of Project in C++ile Motion Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • GRAVITY: The acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²).
  2. Function simulateProjectile(double velocity, double angle, double timeStep, int numSteps):
    • Purpose: Simulates the trajectory of a projectile.
    • Parameters:
      • velocity: Initial velocity of the projectile (m/s).
      • angle: Launch angle of the projectile (degrees).
      • timeStep: Time interval between each step of the simulation (s).
      • numSteps: Number of time steps to simulate.
    • Implementation:
      • Converts the launch angle from degrees to radians.
      • Calculates the initial x and y components of velocity.
      • Computes and prints the position of the projectile at each time step.
      • Stops the simulation if the projectile hits the ground (y < 0).
  3. Main Function:
    • Setup: Prompts the user for the initial velocity, launch angle, time step, and number of steps.
    • Simulation: Calls simulateProjectile to compute and display the projectile’s trajectory.


  • Projectile Motion Simulation: Provides a visual representation of a projectile’s trajectory based on its initial velocity and launch angle.
  • Trajectory Analysis: Helps understand how different parameters affect the motion of a projectile.

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