Courier service Parcel Management System Project Code in PHP and SQLite

Courier service Parcel Management System Project Code in PHP and SQLite

This is a Courier service Parcel Management System Project. This is a web-based project and its main purpose is to offer an automated platform for courier services to manage and track parcels information.  This project has a simple user interface and user-friendly functionalities of the given project.

This project is developed with following

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Ajax
  • XAMPP v3.3.0
  • PHP Language
  • SQLite Database

Courier service Parcel Management System Project

This Courier service Parcel Management System Project allows system users to save the list of couriers/parcels and list of the parcels types. The system users are in charge also of Populating the list of parcels. The parcels require some appropriate information such as the tracking code and sender/receiver details. The project traces the updates of each courier parcel.

Functional Requirements of Courier service Parcel Management System Project

  • Secure Login/Logout
  • Display the summary of the project lists.
  • Insert/ delete/ view/ update/ search Parcel Type List
  • Insert/ delete/ view/ update/ search Carrier List
  • Insert/ delete/ view/ update/ search Parcel List
  • Update Parcel Status
  • Tracks the Parcel Updates
  • Insert/ delete/ view/ update/ search User List
  • Update Account Credentials

Admin Login details

Username: admin
Password: admin123



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