Simulation of Diffraction Patterns Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • The program defines constants like the wavelength of light (WAVELENGTH), slit width (SLIT_WIDTH), and the distance from the slit to the screen (SCREEN_DISTANCE). These values are set in meters, representing typical values for visible light and slit experiments.
  2. calculateIntensity Function:
    • This function returns the relative intensity, which is normalized by the maximum intensity.
  3. simulateDiffractionPattern Function:
    • This function simulates the diffraction pattern by calculating the intensity at various points across the screen.
    • The intensity is stored in a vector, and the maximum intensity is determined to normalize the display.
    • The function then visualizes the pattern as a bar graph, where each bar’s length corresponds to the calculated intensity at that point.
  4. Main Function:
    • The main function prompts the user to input the number of points to simulate and the screen size.
    • It then calls simulateDiffractionPattern to generate and display the diffraction pattern.


  • Screen Size: The screen size represents the width of the screen where the diffraction pattern will be observed.
  • Points: The number of points represents the resolution of the simulation. More points give a finer pattern.

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