Projects Inventory

Bank Management System Gaming Project in C++


  1. Include Libraries:
    • #include <iostream>: For input and output operations.
    • #include <vector>: For using vectors to manage multiple accounts and transactions.
    • #include <string>: For string operations.
    • #include <iomanip>: For formatting output (e.g., setting decimal precision).
  2. Account Class:
    • Private Data Members:
      • accountNumber: Unique identifier for the account.
      • accountHolder: Name of the account holder.
      • balance: Current balance of the account.
      • transactionHistory: List of transaction descriptions.
    • Public Methods:
      • deposit(double amount): Adds money to the balance and logs the transaction.
      • withdraw(double amount): Removes money from the balance if sufficient funds are available and logs the transaction.
      • checkBalance() const: Displays the current balance.
      • showTransactionHistory() const: Displays all transactions.
      • getAccountNumber() const: Returns the account number.
  3. Bank Class:
    • Private Data Member:
      • accounts: List of all accounts in the bank.
    • Public Methods:
      • createAccount(int accNum, string accHolder, double initialBalance): Creates and adds a new account to the bank.
      • findAccount(int accNum): Searches for an account by its number.
      • deposit(int accNum, double amount): Deposits money into a specified account.
      • withdraw(int accNum, double amount): Withdraws money from a specified account.
      • checkBalance(int accNum) const: Displays the balance of a specified account.
      • showTransactionHistory(int accNum) const: Displays the transaction history of a specified account.
  4. Main Function (main):
    • Provides a menu-driven interface to interact with the bank system.
    • Handles user choices to create accounts, deposit, withdraw, check balances, and view transaction histories.
    • Repeats the menu until the user chooses to exit.
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