Beauty Parlour/Salon Functional Non Functional Requirements



3.1.1 Product Description:

This system consists a website which provide the online beauty parlor service. Web site should be able to help the customer for searching beauty parlor and services online. It help the parlor admin to sell all detail in brief like total number of customer, total number of appointments, rejected appointments, accepted appointments, total services, today’s sale, yesterday’s sale and total sales.

3.1.2 Problem Statement:

As online services became a trend nowadays. In present system you have to call the salon to book an appointment. After taking an appointment you have to remember the date of the appointment. User is also not able to find the best salon in their locality. He can find out the services of any salon only after taking their services. But in proposed system you can check, review online and find out who is giving best services. User can also check that which salon has good customer satisfaction. Many salons today are still using paper and pencil systems to schedule appointments and manage customers. These systems are grossly inefficient at sharing and syncing information, and are prone to costly human error. In current system salon take appointment on register. They manage customer record on register. And it is very difficult to find out old appointment details in this system. Making report for the salon business is also very tiresome task. This system is prone to costly human error. Beauty parlor management system allow salon to manage stylists and services, promote sales to customers, and track customer satisfaction.


To provide an online beauty parlor system to search best beauty parlor and take appointments according to their time and can see which parlor give which services.

3.3.1 Non Functional Requirements Efficiency Requirement

When an online beauty parlor management system is implemented customer can book appointment and take services in an efficient manner. Reliability Requirement

The system should provide a reliable environment to both customers and parlor admin. All customer’s appointments should be reaching at the parlor admin without any errors. Usability Requirement

The web site is designed for user friendly environment and ease of use. Implementation Requirement

Implementation of the system using Codeigniter, PHP, Html, Bootstrap, CSS, JS (javascript), and jQuery. And the database part is developed by sql. Responsive web designing is used for making the website compatible for any type of screen. Delivery Requirement

The whole system is expected to be delivered in four months of time with weekly evaluation by the project guide. Database Security

Unauthorized person cannot access the panel and database, do not read and write the information. Availability

This website will be available 24/7.

3.3.2 Functional Requirements Admin

  • Admin login and redirect to their dashboard
  • Admin can approve the registration process of Parlor and user both o Admin can view Parlor details.

o  Admin can view feedbacks. User

  • Users can register their account
  • Admin approve the user according to their information o User login and redirect to home page

o  User can search the polar.

o User can view the services of polar. o User can view the Parlor details.

o  User can book appointment.

o User can cancel their appointment. o User can view appointment status. o User can update their profile

o User can contact polar. o User can send feedback.

o  User shall be able to reserve specific time slots at salons.

o User shall be able to reserve a specific employee at specific salon. o User shall be able to evaluate the salon.

o  User shall be able to evaluate the employee of the salon.

o User shall be able to see the available time schedule of the employee, reserve a time slot. Parlor

  • Parlor can register their account.
  • Admin approve the Parlor according to their information.
  • Parlor login and redirect to home page o Parlor can add/update services.

o Parlor can accept appointments. o Parlor can reject appointments. o Parlor can view report.

o  Parlor can update their profile.

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  2. Functional & Non Functional Requirements of Beauty Parlour/Salon 
  3. Use case Description of Beauty Parlour/Salon Management system
  4. Database Design or Schema of Beauty Parlour/Salon Management system


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