Download Code: PHP and SQLite3 Source Code for Earnings and Expense Tracker App

 Download Code PHP and SQLite3 Source Code for Earnings and Expense Tracker App

Earnings and Expense Tracker Application: PHP and SQLite3 Project

This simple PHP project is called the Earnings and Expense Tracker Application. It is a web-based tool that allows multiple users to manage and track their earnings and expenses. The application is primarily built using PHP and SQLite3, and it features an easy-to-use interface created with the Bootstrap v5 framework.

How the Earnings and Expense Tracker App Works

The app is designed to provide users with a platform to manage their finances. Here’s how it works:

  1. Registration and Approval: Users can register for an account, but they must be approved by the site management before gaining access. Once approved, they can fully access the app’s features.
  2. Starting Balance: Users can set their starting balance when they begin using the app.
  3. Managing Earnings and Expenses: The app allows users to manage and track both their earnings and expenses with CRUD functionalities (Create, Read, Update, Delete). The app also lets users filter records based on dates.
  4. Home Page: On the home page, users can view a summary of their total earnings, expenses, and balance. Each user can only see and manage their own data.

Features and Functionalities

Administrator Features:

  • Login Form
  • Home Page
  • User Management (approve or reject users)
  • Update User Status and Type
  • Logout

User Features:

  • Login Form
  • Registration Form
  • Home Page with Financial Overview (Total Earnings, Total Expenses, Current Balance)
  • Earnings Management (Add, List, Filter, Update, Delete Earnings)
  • Expenses Management (Add, List, Filter, Update, Delete Expenses)
  • Wallet Management
  • Logout

Technologies Used

The app was developed using the following technologies:

  • VS Code Editor
  • PHP
  • SQLite3
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Ajax
  • Google Icons
  • Bootstrap v5 Framework

How to Run the App


  1. Install a local web server like XAMPP or WAMP.
  2. Download the source code (provided in a zip file).


  1. Open the php.ini file in XAMPP/WAMP and uncomment the SQLite3 extension, then save the file.
  2. Start Apache in XAMPP/WAMP.
  3. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  4. For XAMPP, move the extracted folder to the htdocs directory; for WAMP, place it in the www directory.
  5. Open the app in your browser by going to: http://localhost/php-sqlite-expense-tracker/.

Default Admin Access:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: sourcecodester&123


This Earnings and Expense Tracker App built with PHP and SQLite3 will help you track and manage your earnings and expenses. The app provides an intuitive interface and essential features for both administrators and users. You can download and modify the source code for your own use.

We hope this project proves useful for your current and future web development needs!

index PHP

login PHP


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