Download Source Code: PHP and SQLite3 Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculator

Download Source Code PHP and SQLite3 Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculator

Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculator Project Overview

This mini-project, titled Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculator, is a web application designed to help students easily calculate their GPA. It is developed using PHP and SQLite and provides an automated platform for GPA calculation. The project features a simple and intuitive user interface built with Bootstrap Framework and includes several useful functionalities for students.

How the Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculator Works:

The GPA Calculator is an easy-to-use web application that allows students to calculate their GPA for each semester. The application lets users manage the Grade Table, which defines the grade scale (e.g., 4.0) and corresponding letter grades (e.g., A+). Users can update the grade table by entering the grade letter, grade percentage range, and grade scale. While the application calculates the GPA, it does not store student records in a database. However, users can print the results to keep a record.

Features and Functionalities:

The GPA Calculator offers the following features:

  • Grade Table Management:
    • Add or remove rows in the grade table.
    • Confirmation prompt when removing rows.
  • GPA Calculation:
    • Add course grades.
    • Remove course grades.
    • Automatically calculate the subtotal and grade percentage/average.
    • Generate the grade scale and letter.

Technologies Used:

The project was developed using the following technologies:

  • VS Code Editor
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Ajax
  • Bootstrap v5 Framework

How to Run the GPA Calculator:

Follow these steps to set up and run the GPA Calculator:


  1. Install a local web server such as XAMPP or WAMP.
  2. Download the source code zip file (provided below).


  1. Open the php.ini file in XAMPP/WAMP and uncomment the SQLite3 extension. Save the file.
  2. Start the Apache server using the XAMPP/WAMP control panel.
  3. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  4. If using XAMPP, copy the extracted folder to the htdocs directory. For WAMP, paste it into the www directory.
  5. Open a browser and visit http://localhost/php-sqlite-gpa-calculator/ to access the application.

Once set up, you can start using the GPA Calculator to calculate and manage your GPA data.

This GPA Calculator project is intended for educational purposes and can be modified to suit personal or academic needs.

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