Employee Payroll System Gaming Project in C++


  1. Employee Class:
    • The Employee class stores information about an employee, including their name, hourly rate, and hours worked.
    • The calculateSalary method computes the employee’s salary based on their hourly rate and hours worked.
    • The display method prints the employee’s details and calculated salary.
  2. Add Employee (addEmployee):
    • This function prompts the user to input an employee’s name, hourly rate, and hours worked.
    • It creates a new Employee object and adds it to the employees vector.
  3. Display Payroll (displayPayroll):
    • This function iterates through the vector of employees and calls the display method for each one, showing their details and calculated salary.
  4. Main Function (main):
    • The main function provides a simple text-based menu to interact with the payroll system.
    • It uses a loop to continuously display the menu and process user choices until the user decides to exit.
    • The menu options include adding an employee, displaying payroll information, and exiting the program.

Possible Enhancements:

  • Data Persistence: Implement functionality to save employee data to a file and load it when the program starts.
  • Input Validation: Add error checking and validation for user inputs to handle incorrect or invalid data.
  • Advanced Payroll Calculations: Include support for overtime pay, deductions, and bonuses.
  • User Interface: Develop a graphical user interface (GUI) using a library like Qt or SFML for a more user-friendly experience.

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