Final year projects for computer science [Ideas]

Final year projects for computer science Students with Bachelors and master’s in computer science(CS), Information technology(IT), and software engineering (SE)

  1. Game World Generator A Sentiment and Review Analysis based News Reliability Ranking Platform
  2. Trip Advisor
  3. Digitizing MS Thesis Portal
  4. Dynamic Cloud Resources Allocation
  5. Spotting Fake Users on Twitter
  6. FASTCoin
  7. AR based Advertisement
  8. SafePak
  9. Medpy ERP
  10. Road Bump Dectection
  11. Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in social media
  12. Smart Warning Advisor
  13. Securing Smart Meter Reading Using Blockchain
  14. EROHAL
  15. Ecom Predictor
  16. Animazing
  17. “Property Recommendation System “
  18. Smart Patient Monitoring System
  19. Suicide Ideation
  20. Ez Programming
  21. Insta Delivery
  22. Smart Grader
  23. Students Book Sharing
  24. Text to Video
  25. WebCon
  26. Intelligent Waste Monitoring System
  27. Criclyzer: Cricket Analysis Engine
  28. Cryptocommodity Trading Mobile App
  29. Smart Video Query Using Deep Learning Upskiller- Team Skills Upgrade Using Code Reviews Analytics
  30. Zeek Scripts For Advanced Use-Case Detection For Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Campaigns
  32. “Detection of Propaganda Techniques in Newspaper Articles”
  33. Voice Morphing using Machine learning
  34. E-voting System Using Block chain
  35. Nex Cubator
  36. Stampede Prevention Smart Route Planning System
  37. Product Price Prediction in online Market
  38. Minecraft in RTX: Building a Novel Game Engine with Realtime Ray Tracing Support Time Table Automation
  39. Internet Traffic Classification Tool
  40. Advanced Network Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning
  41. SmarTrans
  42. Deep Speak
  43. Pet caretaker Robot
  44. MCDMS
  45. Player motion capture, shot physics and AI for Squash
  46. Cloud based Ransomware Detection & Preservation System
  47. Smart Healthcare Management Using Blockchain
  48. Automated test cases
  49. Optimal path planning of Autonomous Robots
  50. Intracranial Hemorrhage Segmentation and classification
  51. Smart Glasses App
  52. investigating the use of Deep Learning in Histopathology
  53. Big 5 personality traits evaluator
  54. ConFit
  55. Signature Verification and Forgery Detection System
  56. Kabootar Courier
  57. Med Advisor
  58. Smart Connected Cars
  59. Intelligent fire fighter robot (I-FFIR)
  60. Yet Another Compiler (YAC)
  61. Network Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning
  62. Smart City Pollution Monitoring System Using Machine Learning Analytics
  63. Searching and Exploiting vulnerabiities in IOT Wearables
  64. Diacritization of Arabic text
  65. Block Chain Enabled user profiling for personalized services
  66. The food App
  67. Erohal-II
  68. Shoperece
  69. Diagnostic Aid for Diabetic Retinopathy
  70. Radon
  71. Decentralized Election System Using Ethereum Blockchain
  72. An Autonomous Pulmonary Embolism Detection and Segmentation System
  73. Multimodal question answering using NLP
  74. Mood based Music Recommendation System (Musicity)
  75. FoodStop
  76. Smart Grid Chain
  77. Sign Language Translator
  78. Dapp for Authenticating Sellers Using Blockchain
  79. Items Price Prediction for Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
  80. Analysis Soccer games using Computer Vision and ML
  81. Kinship Verification
  82. Smart Cars (An application of AI and ML)
  83. Parking Management System
  84. Blockchain based regulatory reporting and calculation for energy royalities, to reduce human overhead and manual manipulation of data
  85. QuickPick
  86. Structuring Scholarly Contributions in the Open Research Knowledge Graph
  87. Bipolr
  88. Metaheuristics based hybrid feature selection techniques for fake news detection and sentiment analysis in Covid-19
  89. Smart Shopping Cart
  90. Music Recommendation system usingstress level
  91. Artistic Style Transfer(tintash)
  92. Smart Diabetic Companion
  93. Video conferencing App
  94. Campus Career Portal
  95. Color Sort 3D Multiplayer Mobile
  96. Object Detection for visually Impaired
  97. Defaking DeepFakes
  98. Forecasting the yields using biomass calculated from Satellite images
  99. Eyelitics
  100. Charity Miles App.
  101. Digital Identity Management System through Blockchain
  102. Smart Tourist
  103. Exploring Deep Learning Models for Cancer Detection and Classification
  104. Memotion Analysis
  105. DeepEye
  106. Object-Oriented Program Implementation without Inheritance Hierarchies
  107. Multimodal Human Activity Detection
  108. Kinect Based Human Identification Method using Machine Learning
  109. Quran Search App-II
  110. Personal Tweet-er
  111. Real Time Face Mask and Social Distancing Detection
  112. Sarcasm Exposed
  113. A Deep Learning Framework for Efficient High Fidelity Speech Synthesis
  114. Multi-purpose chatbot
  115. Video-based Automated Cricket Commentary Generation
  116. Monitoring and Management of Healthcare
  117. Sarcasm Detection using NLP
  118. DigiBook
  119. Obstacle Detection Application for Blind People
  120. Search Quran App Traffic Trends Collection and Analysis
  121. Optimal Resource Allocation for Bus Service in Pakistan
  122. CRM Integrable Forms
  123. Smart Tourism
  124. Emotion Detection
  125. Blueprint Design and Modelling Software
  126. Automated Polyp Detection and Segmentation System
  127. AR Interior Designing App
  128. RideLuster
  129. Sentiment Analysis System Digital Voice processing for Noise removal
  130. Career Assistant
  131. Streaming and Predictive Health Analytics using Big Data
  132. Traffic Rules Violation Detection Using Machine Learning
  133. Structured Sentiment Analysis
  134. AI based Product discount planning
  135. Pornography blocker on Windows Computer
  136. Analytics Tool For Businesses
  137. Just Gesture
  138. Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of AI in Computational Pathology
  139. Gamified assessment in education with real time feedback
  140. “CarMate “
  141. Automated Voice Dubbing
  142. Teaching Tool
  143. Predicting Crime Using Machine Learning
  144. iclone
  145. Travelling Companion
  146. WorkoutVis
  147. Ai Powered Camera App
  149. Human Resource Analytics using AI
  150. Outcome Based Education (OBE)
  151. Smart Traffic Management System
  152. Multimedia automatic misogyny identification
  153. Modern Alternatives of Inheritance
  154. “Black Sails Legend of Blackbeard (A PC Game)”
  155. Distributed Simulation Framework
  156. Tap’N’Hire
  157. Speech Emotion Recognition using Machine Learning
  158. Jollyland & Pool Staking (blockchain)
  159. Twitter/Social Event Detection (Project 18)
  160. FACE Cloud
  161. Daily Life Services
  162. Self Embedding Watermarking System
  163. Lung and Chest Diseases Detection from X Ray Images
  164. Highly Fault Tolent Centralized for SDN Stolocator (Android Security App)
  165. Smart Recruitment System using Blockchain
  166. NutriGuide
  167. Skin Lesion detection & classification using deep learning techniques
  168. Back-End Code Generation for Developers using GraphQL
  169. Multimedia Misogyny Identification
  170. Generating Questions from Text using AI
  171. D-SimShell: A distributed Simulation Framework
  172. Indoor Navigation System
  173. Design and Implementation of Bone Marrow Transplant Registry
  174. Smart Wardrobe Assistant(ELVIS)
  175. Interactive Lecture system using Augmented Reality
  176. Skin Burn Detection and Classification Plus Dataset Craation Connect People App
  177. BidBees
  178. Tracking Vehicle Life
  179. CryptoScroll
  180. Emotions Detection using Voice
  181. 2D to 3D Image reconstruction with Motion Parallex
  182. Financial Data Extraction & Prediction
  183. Fake Twitter Followers detection
  184. Source Free Domain Adaptation for semantic Processing
  185. Sadaqah 2.0
  186. Intelligent Image Scanning
  187. HexaFlows
  188. Digital Personal Trainer (DPT)
  189. Crowd counting using Hybrid Deep Learning
  190. ParSell- A Product Vender to Vendee Delivery System
  191. Automated Driving Test
  192. Poetry generation in urdu using NLP
  193. Detection of Anatomical Landmarks on Knee Joints using MRI Data
  194. Spot a bot on social media
  195. “Intelligent Protective Head Gear Detection and Statistical System in Footages”
  196. Bookprism
  197. Mask Detection and Breath Monitoring from Speech
  198. Common Sense Validation and Explanation
  199. Route Optimization for field Agents Journey plan in sales and distribution
  200. Mashwara
  201. IOT Fuzzer
  202. Smart Student Security and Performance Monitoring System
  203. Virtual Salesbot
  204. Border Patrol Sysem
  205. Optimisation of Neural Networks
  206. Gardenia App- The Perfect Plant Med
  207. Sentiment Analysis in Urdu language using NLP
  208. Speak it. Compose it
  209. AZAAN
  210. eHealth Tracker
  211. Targeted BillBoard Adertisments
  212. Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition for Adanced Driving Assistance Systems
  213. Invest Smart
  214. Personalized Event Recommender System
  215. Automated Calculation of Melasma Severity Index
  216. Video Question Answering
  217. Drone Automation
  218. Text to Image Synthesis Using GAN
  219. Electoral Voting Application System(Systems)
  220. Home Eat
  221. BagPackers
  222. Online Rental System
  223. A tool for Teaching Concepts of Finite Automata
  224. Automated Detection of Fetal Head Anomalies using Ultrasound Imaging
  225. Computation offloading in Mobile Edge Cloids in Presence of User Mobility
  226. Securing IT Infrastructure against Social Engg. Attack Vectors
  227. Hiring Shack
  228. Vendetta school van live tracking system sad
  229. TUNIC
  230. Panda Mall
  231. Phishing detection Engine using Machine Learning
  232. Shopinect
  233. Voice Pad
  234. A Virtual Mall
  235. Blockchain enabled credit lending & default risk prediction
  236. Digital Workout
  237. CHORDS – Music Classification
  238. Virtual Try Room
  239. Movie Hut
  240. Water Analyzer
  241. Patient Care System
  242. Pneumothorax Identifier Through Chart X-Rays
  243. Cafe Station
  244. Training Multiple agents with reinforcement learning
  245. EDote: Intelligent Elderly Healthcare Management System
  246. Evolutionary Deep Learning
  247. Smart Health care system for skin cancer
  248. Predicting Future News Events using Machine Learning
  249. Assistant Complaint Management System
  250. Decipher
  251. SyNet RATSLAM
  252. I Can’t Quite Recognize
  253. PUBG-VR
  254. Composite sketching using GAN
  255. Emotion Detection and Recognition
  256. Patronizing and Condescending Language Detection
  257. Text to image Generation using generative neural networks
  258. AR Enchanted Storybooks
  259. Pharma Track
  260. Scaling student uunderstanding through emotion Detection
  261. FASTNet
  262. Supply chain Management Systems
  263. Stock Prediction
  264. Rent Heavy vehicles
  265. Application in gait recognition system
  266. Automatic Fabric Fault Detection System
  267. Smart Guard
  268. Smart Tourism
  269. Green Expeditour
  270. Intelligent Intrusion detection system for IoT Devices
  271. “SWIFT: A Ride Sharing App “
  272. Soccer Player Re Identification Through broadcast video stream
  273. Humor Generation
  274. Smart Interactive Virtual Fitting Room
  275. Fusion of Deception and AI for active cyber defence
  276. MEDLAI- Mood Based Music Generation using AI
  277. Autism Detection & Rehabilitation system
  278. SketchNN
  279. Health Detection of Plants using ML
  280. Medi Log
  281. Humsafar – Travel Web Application
  282. Creative Prose Synthesis
  283. Rush Management using IOT
  284. Byonyks Dialysis Machine
  285. Modern Learning Management System
  286. Clinical Decision Support System for Evidence based Medicine Practice
  287. Digital Facial Artist
  288. “Whispers “
  289. Virtual Reality Game Development
  290. FYP Management System
  291. ” Artistic Style Transfer using Deep Learning”
  292. COVID-19 Detection using Federated Learning
  293. Leveraging In-Database Patient Similarity for Precision Medicine
  294. Code Transformer
  295. Eat Sleep Repeat
  296. Smart e-Mart
  297. Securing IOT with Multifeature profiling and distributive programming
  298. Music Streaming and Recommendation Application
  299. Detecting IoT Firmware Vulnerability using Machine Learning
  300. What a Humsafar
  301. Veritas
  302. Paragraph Checker
  303. Blockchain Identity and Student Record
  304. Intelligent Tutoring System
  305. Enterprise Scale Search on unstructured Data using Elastic Stack
  306. Pneumonia Detection using X-ray Images
  307. Brain Computer Interaction
  308. Enhancing the performance of Political Optimizer through Reinforcement Learning and Neural Networks
  309. Special child assistant app
  310. Bus Information System

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