Food ordering system – Functional and Non-functional requirements

Functional requirements of food ordering system

Functional requirements are certain characteristics or capabilities that a system must have in order to function properly.
The following are some functional criteria for a food ordering system:

  1. Customers should be able to view the status of their orders, including when they were placed, when they are expected to be ready, and when they have been delivered (if applicable).
  2. Order modification: Customers should be allowed to make changes to their orders until they are ready for preparation by the kitchen.
  3. Customers should be able to choose goods from the menu and add them to their order, as well as express any special instructions or alterations.
  4. Support for numerous locations: If the food ordering system serves many locations, it should be capable of handling orders from different locations and routing them to the appropriate location.
  5. Support for mobile devices: The system should be accessible and tailored for mobile use.
  6. Integration with other systems: The system should be able to integrate with other systems, such as a POS or kitchen management system.
  7. Customers should be able to examine their previous orders and reorder goods from previous orders.
  8. Menu display: The system should be able to display the menu items that are available, including descriptions and prices.
  9. Payment processing: Customers should be able to enter their payment information and process the transaction using the system.
  10. Administrative controls: The system should allow you to manage menu items, prices, and other parameters.

Non Functional requirements of the food ordering system

Non-functional needs are system requirements that are not tied to a single function or service provided by the system, but rather to the system’s overall characteristics.
Here are a few examples of non-functional criteria for a meal ordering system:

  1. Security: The system should prevent unauthorised access or misuse of sensitive information, such as consumer payment and personal information.
    This could include regulations for the use of encryption, secure servers, and other data integrity safeguards.
  2. Scalability refers to the system’s ability to accommodate increases in the number of users or orders without deteriorating performance.
    This could include the capacity to add more servers or other hardware as needed to accommodate rising demand.
  3. Reliability: The system should be available and working when required, with as little downtime as possible.
    This could include requirements for the system’s ability to handle failures or unforeseen events, as well as the utilisation of backup systems and processes to assure service continuity.
  4. Maintainability: With a clear and well-documented codebase and a solid testing and deployment procedure, the system should be simple to upgrade and maintain over time.
    This could include requirements for using version control, automated testing, and other tools and processes to keep the system reliable and up to date.
  5. Usability: The system should be simple to use for both customers and restaurant employees, with a clear and intuitive interface and simple navigation.
    This could include criteria for the system’s layout and design, the use of clear and simple language, and the provision of assistance and support.
  6. Performance: The system should be able to process a high volume of orders efficiently.
    This could include system speed, the quantity of orders it can process at once, and the ability to handle peak periods of activity.

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