FR1: Admin must be able to Define new parking areas, specify a range of parking lots, the parking cost per minute/hour, and other details.
FR2: admin must be able to update data of existing parking areas.
FR3: admin must be able to view the information of all registered parking areas.
FR4: The parking operator must be able to Send the vehicle plate number and reservation password (Session ID) to a central server for verification once users check in.
FR5: parking operator must be able to Issue bills to users on checkout.
FR6: User must be able to Register for the service and enter personal and vehicle details.
FR7: User must be able to find a parking area from the list of areas, registered by parking admins.
FR8: User must be able to view the details of a selected parking area such as the name, worth per minute, number of total available lots.
FR9: The user must be able to Reserve an obtainable parking space and specify the duration of the reservation.
FR10: Backend management system must be able to Authenticate users and admins before updating any sensitive information.
FR11: Backend management system must be able to Accept reservation of parking lots based on availability.
FR12: The backend management system must be able to Generate a Session ID for every reservation and send it to the user.
FR13: Backend management system must be able to enable modification of parking lot status by operators.
FR14: Backend management system must be able to Auto-cancel reservation if the user fails to succeed in among the window period.