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Functional requirements of Online Pharmacy Management System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • Account Creation: Allow patients and pharmacy staff to create accounts using email, social media, or mobile numbers.
    • Profile Management: Users can manage and update their profiles, including personal information, contact details, and medical history.
    • Authentication & Authorization: Secure login/logout functionality with role-based access control (e.g., customer, pharmacist, admin).
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  2. Prescription Management:
    • Prescription Upload: Allow patients to upload prescription documents or images for prescription medications.
    • Prescription Verification: Enable pharmacists to review, validate, and approve or reject prescriptions.
    • Prescription History: Maintain a record of past prescriptions for patients and pharmacists.
  3. Product Management:
    • Product Listings: Manage a catalog of medications and health products, including descriptions, prices, and stock levels.
    • Product Categories: Organize products into categories such as prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and health supplements.
  4. Inventory Management:
    • Stock Tracking: Monitor and manage inventory levels in real-time, including alerts for low stock and automatic reordering.
    • Supplier Management: Track and manage suppliers and their products, including ordering and restocking.
  5. Order Processing:
    • Shopping Cart: Allow customers to add products to a shopping cart, review their selections, and proceed to checkout.
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    • Order Placement: Enable customers to place orders for medications and health products.
    • Order Confirmation: Send confirmation notifications to customers with details of their purchase and estimated delivery time.
    • Order Tracking: Provide customers with real-time tracking information for their orders.
  6. Payment Integration:
    • Payment Processing: Integrate with payment gateways to handle transactions securely.
    • Billing Management: Provide users with access to their payment history, invoices, and receipts.
  7. Shipping and Delivery:
    • Shipping Options: Offer various shipping methods and options based on delivery location and product type.
    • Address Management: Allow customers to manage and save multiple shipping addresses.
    • Delivery Tracking: Provide real-time tracking information for shipments.
  8. Compliance and Regulatory:
    • Drug Regulations: Ensure compliance with regulations related to prescription medications, including verification and storage requirements.
    • Data Protection: Implement measures to comply with healthcare regulations (e.g., HIPAA in the US, GDPR in Europe) regarding patient data privacy and security.
  9. Customer Support:
    • Help Desk: Provide access to support resources, including FAQs, live chat, and contact options for customer support.
    • Issue Tracking: Track and manage customer-reported issues, returns, and complaints.
  10. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Sales Reports: Generate reports on sales performance, revenue, and product popularity.
    • Inventory Reports: Monitor inventory levels, stock turnover rates, and supplier performance.
    • Prescription Reports: Track prescription trends, usage, and fulfillment metrics.
  11. Admin Panel:
    • Dashboard: A central dashboard for administrators to manage products, orders, customers, and system settings.
    • User Management: Admins can add, remove, or modify user accounts and roles.
    • Product Management: Admins can add, edit, or remove products and categories.
  12. Integration with External Systems:
    • EHR Integration: Optionally integrate with Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems for comprehensive medical data management.
    • Pharmacy Management Systems: Integrate with existing pharmacy management systems for data consistency and operational efficiency.
  13. Content Management:
    • Health Information: Optionally include a content management system (CMS) for publishing health-related articles, medication information, and tips.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • Speed: Ensure fast load times for the platform, quick response times for product searches, and efficient order processing.
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    • Scalability: The system should handle increasing numbers of users, products, and orders without performance degradation.
  2. Security:
    • Data Protection: Implement robust encryption and secure storage for sensitive user data, including personal, medical, and payment information.
    • Access Control: Implement role-based access controls to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and system features.
    • Transaction Security: Ensure secure handling of payment transactions and user financial information.
  3. Usability:
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy navigation, product browsing, and checkout.
    • Accessibility: Ensure the platform is accessible to users with disabilities, following WCAG guidelines.
  4. Reliability:
    • Uptime: Aim for high availability with minimal downtime to ensure continuous access to the online pharmacy.
    • Backup and Recovery: Implement regular backups and a disaster recovery plan to protect data and ensure business continuity.
  5. Maintainability:
    • Code Quality: Maintain clean, well-documented code to facilitate easy updates and maintenance.
    • Modularity: Design the system in a modular way to allow for easy addition of new features and updates.
  6. Compatibility:
    • Cross-Browser Support: Ensure compatibility with major web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).
    • Mobile Responsiveness: The platform should be fully functional on various mobile devices and screen sizes.
  7. Localization:
    • Multilingual Support: Provide the platform in multiple languages if serving a diverse user base.
    • Regional Customization: Allow for region-specific content, pricing, and compliance with local regulations.
  8. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Data Insights: Provide actionable insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and inventory performance.
    • Custom Reporting: Allow administrators to generate and customize reports based on specific criteria.
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