Projects Inventory

Gaming Project in C++


  1. Initialize Random Seed:
    • srand(static_cast<unsigned>(time(0))); initializes the random number generator with the current time to ensure different sequences of random numbers each time the program runs.
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  2. Generate Random Number
    • int numberToGuess = rand() % 100 + 1; generates a random number between 1 and 100 for the player to guess.
  3. Game Loop:
    • The loop continues until the player guesses the correct number.
    • The user is prompted to enter a guess.
    • The program checks if the guess is higher or lower than the target number and provides feedback.
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    • The number of attempts is tracked and displayed once the correct number is guessed.
  4. End Game:
    • When the user guesses correctly, the program congratulates the player and displays the number of attempts taken.
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