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Online Examination System Use Case Descriptions

Use Case Descriptions of Online Examination System

Sign Up Use Case

Use case name Sign Up
Primary actor(s) Student
Description Registration into the system
Precondition User have to access the main site using browser and input

the data

Post condition The system accepts user id, name, phone, email and


Basic actions
1.       All participants wants to participate into the exam


2.       User first must have register to the system


3.       User enters their user id, name, phone, email and password


4.       The system reply success registration


5.       The use case ends

Alternative actions
1.       If the user does not need to signup


A.     User may wish to login


B.     Leave the site


Use case name Login
Primary actor(s) Controller and Student
Description Login into the system
Precondition All authorized has user id and password
Post condition The system accept user id and password
Basic actions
6.       All authorized user wants to login into the system


7.       User first must have user id and password


8.       User enters their user id and password


9.       The system checks the user id and password


10.   The system accepts user id and password


11.   The use case ends

Alternative actions
2.       If the users have no user id and password


A.     Users asked to the faculty member to create the id

3.               If the entered user id and password are wrong


A.     Try with another user id and password


B.     Go to step 3


Use case name Add User
Primary actor(s) Controller
Description Adding user
Precondition User needs to know the id, name, phone, email and


Post condition User is added
Basic actions

1.       Controller wants to add user into the database


2.       Controller inputs the user information


3.       The user is added


4.       The use case ends

Alternative actions
1.       If the user already exists


A.     Try with different information


B.     Go to step 2



Use case name Edit User
Primary actor(s) Controller
Description Changing user information
Precondition Controller needs to know the changed id, name, phone,

email and password

Post condition User is edited
Basic actions

1.       Controller wants to change user information


2.       Controller inputs the modified user information


3.       The user is updated


4.       The use case ends

Alternative actions
1.       If the user already exists


A.     Try with different information


B.     Go to step 2



Use case name Add Question
Primary actor(s) Controller
Description Adding question
Precondition User needs to know the question title, possible answers

option, mark, time limit of the question

Post condition Question is added to question bank
Basic actions

1.       Controller wants to add question into the database


2.       Controller inputs the question information


3.       The question is added


4.       The question case ends

Alternative actions
1.       If the question already exists


A.     Try with different information


B.     Go to step 2


4.5.6 Create Exam Use Case


Use case name Create Exam
Primary actor(s) Controller
Description Create exam from selected question
Precondition User needs to select the questions
Post condition Exam is created
Basic actions

1.       Controller wants to create exam information into the database


2.       Controller selects the question from question bank


3.       Controller input question title


4.       The exam is created


5.       The exam case ends

Alternative actions
1.       If the exam already exists


A.     Try with different information


B.     Go to step 2



Use case name Create Exam
Primary actor(s) Controller
Description Create exam from selected question
Precondition User needs to select the questions
Post condition Exam is created
Basic actions

6.       Controller wants to create exam information into the database



7.       Controller selects the question from question bank


8.       Controller input question title


9.       The exam is created


10.   The exam case ends

Alternative actions
2.       If the exam already exists


A.     Try with different information


B.     Go to step 2



Use case name Exam Participation
Primary actor(s) Participant or Student
Description Participation into active exam and provide answers
Precondition User needs to login and select the exam
Post condition Exam attempt has been completed
Basic actions

1.       User wants to participate into exam


2.       User login to the system with proper user id and password


3.       User select the exam


4.       User provides their answer


5.       User push the finish button to finish the exam process

Alternative actions

1. Leave the exam

More Material of Online Examination System

  1. Functional Requirements Of Online Examination System
  2. NON Functional Requirements of Online Examination System 
  3. Purpose, Scope, and Objectives of Online Examination System 
  4. Use Case Descriptions of Online Examination System
  5. Entity Relationship Diagram of Online Examination System
  6. Activity Diagram of Online Examination System
  7. Sequence Diagram of Online Examination System
  8. Code of Online Examination System
  9. Testing of Online Examination System
  10. PPT Presentation of Online Examination System
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