Online Job Portal database tables

Table: admin Login

This table shows the admin login with their credentials such as name, id and password.

database tables of of ONLINE JOB PORTAL
database tables of  ONLINE JOB PORTAL

Table: Apply jobs

This table describe those who apply for a job with her credentials such as id name city country salary, applied date experience etc.

database schema of ONLINE JOB PORTAL
database schema of ONLINE JOB PORTAL

This table shows that those employer who post the jobs with proper format such as postdate, salary, experience, due date etc.

ONLINE JOB PORTAL tables in database
ONLINE JOB PORTAL tables in database

More helping material for the online job portal

  2. Use case diagram of ONLINE JOB PORTAL
  3. Functional Requirements of ONLINE JOB PORTAL
  4. Class diagram of ONLINE JOB PORTAL
  5. Online Job Portal database tables
  6. Software Testing of Online Job Portal

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