Password Manager Gaming Project in C++


  1. Include Headers:
    • #include <iostream>: For input and output operations.
    • #include <fstream>: For file operations.
    • #include <string>: For string manipulations.
    • #include <map>: For using the std::map container to store account-password pairs.
  2. Functions:
    • addPassword: Prompts the user to enter an account name and password, then stores these in the passwords map.
    • viewPasswords: Displays all stored account-password pairs. If no passwords are stored, it informs the user.
    • savePasswords: Saves the account-password pairs from the passwords map to a text file named passwords.txt.
    • loadPasswords: Loads account-password pairs from passwords.txt into the passwords map. This allows the program to persist passwords between runs.
  3. Main Function:
    • Load Passwords: Calls loadPasswords to populate the passwords map from the file at the start.
    • Menu Loop: Displays a menu for the user to choose between adding passwords, viewing passwords, or saving and exiting.
    • Choice Handling: Uses a switch statement to handle user choices. Calls appropriate functions based on user input.
  4. File Format:
  • Passwords are saved in a text file with each account and its corresponding password on separate lines. This format is simple and easy to read/write, but not secure. For better security, consider using encryption.

Compilation and Execution:

Compile the Program:

Run the Program:


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