PHP and MySQL-Based Online Eyewear Shop Website

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Online Eyewear Shop Website

This project is an Online Eyewear Shop Website, a web-based application developed using PHP (OOP) and MySQL Database. The goal of this project is to provide a platform for eyewear businesses to sell their products online and for customers to browse, shop, and order eyewear conveniently. The website features an attractive user interface built with Bootstrap Framework and AdminLTE Template, offering several user-friendly features for both administrators and customers.

How Does the Online Eyewear Shop Website Work?

The Online Eyewear Shop Website is designed as an online shopping and order management platform for eyewear businesses. It serves two types of users:

  1. Admin/Management: To manage the store’s products, categories, orders, and system settings.
  2. Customers: To browse products, manage their shopping cart, and place orders.


Admin Panel Features:

  • Login and Logout: Secure access to the admin panel.
  • Dashboard: Overview of website activities and statistics.
  • Category Management: Add, edit, and manage product categories.
  • Product Management: Maintain product listings with details and availability.
  • Inventory Management: Track product stock and availability.
  • Orders Management: View and process customer orders.
  • Customer Management: Manage customer information and accounts.
  • Reports: Generate printable daily reports.
  • Content Management: Edit site details, such as contact and about information.
  • System Settings: Update system information and manage admin accounts.

Customer Features:

  • Login and Registration: Customers must register to place orders.
  • Browse Products: View products by category or all listings.
  • Product Details: View detailed information about each product.
  • Shopping Cart: Add, update, or remove items in the cart.
  • Checkout: Place orders securely.
  • Order Tracking: View and track order history.
  • Account Management: Edit personal account details.

Technologies Used

  • PHP (OOP)
  • MySQL Database
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • jQuery and Ajax
  • Bootstrap Framework
  • AdminLTE Template
  • DataTables

Installation and Setup


  1. Install a local web server such as XAMPP.
  2. Download the source code zip file.

Steps to Install:

  1. Enable GD Library: Ensure the GD Library is enabled in your php.ini file.
  2. Start Services: Open the XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
  3. Extract Files: Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
  4. Move Files: Copy the extracted folder to the htdocs directory of XAMPP.
  5. Create Database: Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin) and create a database named oews_db.
  6. Import SQL File: Import the provided SQL file (oews_db.sql) located in the database folder.
  7. Run the Application:

Default Admin Access:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin123


This project is designed for educational purposes and can be customized for specific needs. It provides a complete framework for managing an online eyewear shop. You can explore and modify the source code to fit your requirements.

index PHP

login PHP



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