PPT Presentation of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project


  1. Online Animals Buy and Sale is an online sale purchase platform in which users can avail the following services:
  2. buying and selling animal’s
  3.  get the live location of the animal
  4.  get the verified animal by a specialized veterinary doctor


Following are the current problems:

ØIn Pakistan, no online verified animal marketplace exists.

ØPeople have to buy or sell animals on a risky note.

ØThere is no other platform that supports verified animal trade.

ØBuyers don’t know where they can find good and healthy animals.

ØMiddleman commissions reflect in sellers income a lot which is ended here.

ØA lot of time and money is wasted while selling and buying at animal market.

ØNo complain or report facility available after buying online at olx like platforms.


Online Animals Buy and Sale is an online sale purchase platform in which users can avail the following services:

u buying and selling animal’s

u get the live location of the animal

u get the verified animal by a specialized veterinary doctor


vProvides facility to everyone to sell /purchase animal at their location

vAllows the seller to share his/her location

vSellers can also get the directions for verifying their animal by a doctor


uThis application can be used in every location and in any city.

uIt can be used anywhere any time because it is a web based application.

uNo manual movement of seller for verifying animal.

uIn unknown areas, find animals with ease.

uRequest Doctor for verification with a single tap.


Main objectives of our project are:

ØBuyers to search animal at their nearest location and find real sellers, in case of buying

ØWeb Application provides facility for sellers to send requests to a doctor and respond to those requests

ØApplication reduces arrival time of buyer to location of seller, because there is no middleman in between

ØAdministrator has the privileges to add, update, and delete the buyers, sellers and doctors in the Database

ØAdministrators have the privilege to block a seller, buyer or a doctor

ØSellers and Buyers can also buy or sell an animal (buyer and seller at the same time) from one account.

Software/Tools Requirements

  1. Microsoft Windows 8 or above Operating System
  2. 2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Visual Studio 2019
  4. MS SQL Server 2019 (Database)
  5. Sublime Text Editor (CSS, HTML, JavaScript Language)
  6. ASP.net MVC/ C# (Language)


Download PPT Presentation of Online Animals Buy and Sale FYP

More helping Material for Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

  1. SRS Document of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  2. Download ASP source code of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  3. Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  4. Use case diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  5. Use Case Descriptions of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  6. Class diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale FYP
  7. Sequence diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  8. ERD diagram of SALE PURCHASE Entity relationship diagram
  9. Software Testing of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  10. PPT Presentation of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

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