Quiz Game Gaming Project in C++


  1. Structure Definition:
    • A struct named Question is defined to hold each quiz question and its corresponding correct answer. This helps to keep the question and answer logically grouped together.
  2. askQuestion Function:
    • This function takes a Question object as input, displays the question, and prompts the user for an answer. It compares the user’s input with the correct answer and returns true if the answer is correct, otherwise false. It also prints whether the user’s answer was correct or wrong.
  3. Main Function:
    • The main() function starts by initializing a vector of Question objects that contain the quiz questions and answers.
    • It then welcomes the player and starts the quiz by iterating over the list of questions using a for loop. For each question, it calls the askQuestion function and updates the score based on the player’s response.
    • Finally, after all the questions have been answered, it displays the player’s total score.

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