Random graphs Research Project Examples.
- Predictor‐based H∞ leader‐following consensus of stochastic multi‐agent systems with random input delay
- Adaptive Rewiring in Weighted Networks Shows Specificity, Robustness, and Flexibility
- Impact of the mesoscale structure of a bipartite ecological interaction network on its robustness through a probabilistic modeling
- Vulnerability studies in the fields of transportation and complex networks: a citation network analysis
- On the average order of a dominating set of a forest
- Minimum Spanning Trees of Random Geometric Graphs with Location Dependent Weights
- A complement to the Chebyshev integral inequality
- Extremal problems on k-ary trees with respect to the cover cost and reverse cover cost
- Math to Code to Petaflops
- Network geometry
- Investigating the effects of updating rules on cooperation by incorporating interactive diversity
- Observing symmetry-broken optimal paths of stationary Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface via a large-deviation sampling of directed polymers in random media
- On the Asymmetric Generalizations of Two Extremal Questions on Friends-and-Strangers Graphs
- Parallelization of network motif discovery using star contraction
- On the contractibility of random Vietoris-Rips complexes
- Sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, quantum chaos, and gravity duals
- Network reconstruction from betweenness centrality by artificial bee colony
- ShortWalk: an approach to network embedding on directed graphs
- A combinatorial approach to counting primitive periodic and primitive pseudo orbits on circulant graphs
- Sensitivity of mixing times, an example
- Investigating the effects of updating rules on cooperation by incorporating interactive diversity
- Observing symmetry-broken optimal paths of stationary Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface via a large-deviation sampling of directed polymers in random media
- On the Asymmetric Generalizations of Two Extremal Questions on Friends-and-Strangers Graphs
- Parallelization of network motif discovery using star contraction
- On the contractibility of random Vietoris-Rips complexes
- Sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, quantum chaos, and gravity duals
- Network reconstruction from betweenness centrality by artificial bee colony
- ShortWalk: an approach to network embedding on directed graphs
- A combinatorial approach to counting primitive periodic and primitive pseudo orbits on circulant graphs
- Sensitivity of mixing times, an example
- Minimax rates in network analysis: Graphon estimation, community detection and hypothesis testing
- An overview of epidemic models with phase transitions to absorbing states running on top of complex networks
- The Gutman Index and Schultz Index in the Random Phenylene Chains
- Hypergraphs for predicting essential genes using multiprotein complex data
- Almost optimal super-constant-pass streaming lower bounds for reachability
- Domination in Digraphs
- An exact method for the minimum feedback arc set problem
- Scaling limit for random walk on the range of random walk in four dimensions
- Kruskal with embedded C-semirings to solve MST problems with partially-ordered costs
- Decentralized Constrained Optimization: Double Averaging and Gradient Projection
- Network Recovery from Unlabeled Noisy Samples
- A Network-Based Explanation of Perceived Inequality
- Serial and parallel memetic algorithms for the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem
- Galton–Watson games
- Depths in hooking networks
- On odd rainbow cycles in edge-colored graphs
- Computing temporal sequences associated with dynamic patterns on the C. elegans connectome
- Online Learning of Time-Varying Signals and Graphs
- A performance study of meta‐heuristic approaches for quadratic assignment problem
- CANE: community-aware network embedding via adversarial training
- Dynamic Labeling for Unlabeled Graph Neural Networks
- Regions of Reduced Dynamics in Dynamic Networks
- Cutoff for Almost All Random Walks on Abelian Groups
- The localization capture time of a graph
- Two problems in extremal combinatorics
- A novel algorithm for finding top-k weighted overlapping densest connected subgraphs in dual networks
- Balanced product quantum codes
- Spectral distributions of periodic random matrix ensembles
- Observability transitions in clustered networks
- Epidemic dynamics on metapopulation networks with node2vec mobility
- Beating treewidth for average-case subgraph isomorphism
- Banach space actions and L2-spectral gap
- Convex relaxation methods for community detection
- Model free estimation of graphical model using gene expression data
- Percolation-intercropping strategies to prevent dissemination of phytopathogens on plantations
- Generalized quantum-classical correspondence for random walks on graphs
- Simplicial SIRS epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rates
- Route lengths in invariant spatial tree networks
- Factor of iid Schreier decoration of transitive graphs
- Coherence resonance in random Erd os-Renyi neural networks: mean-field theory
- The critical two-point function for long-range percolation on the hierarchical lattice
- An Efficient and Scalable Algorithm for Estimating Kemeny’s Constant of a Markov Chain on Large Graphs
- Matrix factorisation and the interpretation of geodesic distance
- The enumeration of planar graphs via Wick’s theorem
- Note on sunflowers
- Overview of Network-based Methods for Analyzing Financial Markets
- Adversarial Graph Augmentation to Improve Graph Contrastive Learning
- A variable neighborhood search algorithm for energy conscious task scheduling in heterogeneous computing systems
- Disintegrating spatial networks based on region centrality
- From Poincaré inequalities to nonlinear matrix concentration
- Social dilemmas in off-lattice populations
- On the distribution of monochromatic complete subgraphs and arithmetic progressions
- Backdoor attacks to graph neural networks
- Weighted k-domination problem in fuzzy networks
- An intelligent hybrid approach for task scheduling in cluster computing environments as an infrastructure for biomedical applications
- Phase transition of the 2-choices dynamics on core–periphery networks
- Performance of Domain-Wall Encoding for Quantum Annealing
- On the dual geometry of Laplacian eigenfunctions
- Percolation transitions in growing networks under achlioptas processes: Analytic solutions
- Kernelization and approximation of distance-r independent sets on nowhere dense graphs
- Deficiency zero for random reaction networks under a stochastic block model framework
- Graph-Valued Regression: Prediction of unlabelled networks in a Non-Euclidean Graph-Space
- Optimal Random Packing of Spheres and Extremal Effective Conductivity
- Noise sensitivity for the top eigenvector of a sparse random matrix
- On the Second-Largest Reciprocal Distance Signless Laplacian Eigenvalue
- Fast and strong amplifiers of natural selection
- -intersecting families of graphs
- Minimum degree stability of -free graphs
- Some remarks on the sum of the inverse values of the normalized signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs
- The impact of noise and topology on opinion dynamics in social networks
- A strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting method for the doubly nonnegative relaxation of the minimum cut problem
- -Analogs of strongly regular graphs
- Fractal mountains and binary random loops
- Improving search using a fault-tolerant overlay in unstructured p2p systems
- Sparse network optimization for synchronization
- Digraph signal processing with generalized boundary conditions
- Nonlinear network dynamics with consensus–dissensus bifurcation
- Divergence and quasi-isometry classes of random Gromov’s monsters
- A Quotient Space Formulation for Generative Statistical Analysis of Graphical Data
- A new approach to finding the extra connectivity of graphs
- Majority-vote model with limited visibility: An investigation into filter bubbles
- Simple mathematical models for controlling COVID-19 transmission through social distancing and community awareness
- Binarized graph neural network
- On the perfect differential of a graph
- Divisibility properties of random samples of integers
- Trustworthiness assessment for industrial IoT as multilayer networks with von Neumann entropy
- Continuum percolation and stochastic epidemic models on Poisson and Ginibre point processes
- miRGTF-net: Integrative miRNA-gene-TF network analysis reveals key drivers of breast cancer recurrence
- The effective graph reveals redundancy, canalization, and control pathways in biochemical regulation and signaling
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