Simulation of Artificial Intelligence Concepts Gaming Project in C++


  1. Headers:
    • <iostream>: For input and output operations.
    • <cstdlib>: For rand() and srand() functions.
    • <ctime>: For time() function to seed the random number generator.
  2. Enum:
    • enum class State: Defines the possible states for the AI (Idle, Patrol, Chase).
  3. AI Class:
    • Attributes:
      • currentState: Current state of the AI.
      • playerDistance: Simulated distance to the player.
    • Methods:
      • update(): Updates the AI’s state based on the player’s distance and prints the current state.
      • simulatePlayerMovement(): Simulates changes in player distance using a random value.
  4. Main Function:
    • Initialization:
      • Seeds the random number generator.
      • Creates an AI object.
    • Simulation Loop:
      • Runs for a fixed number of steps (10 in this case).
      • Simulates player movement by changing the distance.
      • Calls update() to adjust the AI’s state and print the result.


  • Finite State Machine: This program demonstrates a simple finite state machine where the AI’s behavior changes based on the distance to the player.
  • Random Distance: The simulatePlayerMovement() function generates a random distance to simulate player movement.

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