Simulation of Chaotic Systems Gaming Project in C++


  1. LogisticMap Class:
    • r: The control parameter for the logistic map, which influences the chaotic behavior.
    • x: The current value of the system, initialized with the initialValue.
    • LogisticMap(double r, double initialValue): Constructor that sets the value of r and initializes x.
    • iterate(): Updates the value of x using the logistic map formula xn+1=r⋅xn⋅(1−xn)x_{n+1} = r \cdot x_n \cdot (1 – x_n).
    • getValue() const: Returns the current value of x.
  2. Main Function:
    • Creates a range of r values from R_MIN to R_MAX with a step size of R_STEP.
    • For each r value, it initializes a LogisticMap object with the current r and INITIAL_VALUE.
    • Iterates the logistic map and prints the resulting values to show how the system evolves for different values of r.

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