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Simulation of Compiler Design Gaming Project in C++


  1. TokenType Enum:
    • Defines various token types like Number, Plus, Minus, etc.
  2. Token Class:
    • Represents a token with a type and value.
    • Token(TokenType type, std::string value): Constructor to initialize the token.
    • getType() const: Returns the type of the token.
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    • getValue() const: Returns the value of the token.
  3. Lexer Class:
    • Lexer(const std::string& input): Constructor to initialize the lexer with input.
    • nextToken(): Processes the input to generate the next token. It handles numbers and operators, skipping whitespace.
  4. Parser Class:
    • Parser(Lexer& lexer): Constructor to initialize the parser with a lexer.
    • parse(): Processes tokens from the lexer and prints out whether they are numbers or operators.
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  5. Main Function:
    • Initializes a Lexer with a sample input string.
    • Creates a Parser using the lexer.
    • Calls the parse() method to process the input and print the results.
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