Simulation of Conway’s Game of Life Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • WIDTH and HEIGHT: Dimensions of the grid.
  2. printGrid Function:
    • Prints the grid to the console, where * represents an alive cell and . represents a dead cell.
  3. countAliveNeighbors Function:
    • Calculates the number of alive neighbors for a cell at position (x, y). It checks all eight possible directions around the cell.
  4. updateGrid Function:
    • Creates a new grid based on Conway’s rules:
      • An alive cell with fewer than 2 or more than 3 alive neighbors dies.
      • A dead cell with exactly 3 alive neighbors becomes alive.
  5. main Function:
    • Initializes a 10×10 grid with a glider pattern.
    • Runs the simulation for a specified number of iterations, updating and printing the grid each generation.
    • Uses sleep(1) to pause for one second between generations.


      To compile the program, use:

      Run the program with:

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