Simulation of Double Pendulum Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • PI, G, and DT are constants representing the value of π, the gravitational constant, and the time step for the simulation, respectively.
  2. PendulumState Structure:
    • This structure holds the state of the double pendulum, including the angles (theta1, theta2) and angular velocities (omega1, omega2) of the two pendulums.
  3. computeDerivatives Function:
    • This function calculates the derivatives of the angles and angular velocities based on the current state using the equations of motion for the double pendulum. The calculations take into account the masses (m1, m2) and lengths (l1, l2) of the pendulum arms.
  4. updateState Function:
    • This function updates the state of the pendulum by integrating the derivatives using Euler’s method. This method is a simple numerical technique for solving differential equations.
  5. Main Function:
    • The main function initializes the state with specific angles and angular velocities.
    • The simulation runs for 1000 iterations, updating and printing the state of the pendulum at each time step.


  • Initial Angles and Velocities: The angles theta1 and theta2 are initialized to π/2 (90°) and π/4 (45°), respectively, representing the initial displacement of the pendulum arms.
  • Masses and Lengths: Both pendulums have equal masses and lengths, but these can be varied to observe different behaviors.
  • Output: The program outputs the angles of the two pendulums at each time step, providing insight into the complex and chaotic motion of the double pendulum.

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