Projects Inventory

Simulation of Elevator System Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Elevator:
    • Purpose: Simulates an elevator system handling floor requests.
    • Attributes:
      • currentFloor: The current floor of the elevator.
      • numFloors: Total number of floors in the building.
      • requests: Queue of requested floors.
    • Methods:
      • request(int floor): Adds a floor request to the queue if the floor is valid and different from the current floor.
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      • operate(): Processes each request by moving the elevator to the requested floor.
      • moveToFloor(int targetFloor): Moves the elevator to the specified floor and updates the current floor.
  2. Main Function:
    • Setup: Initializes an elevator with a given number of floors.
    • Request Input: Prompts the user to enter the number of floor requests and the specific floors.
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    • Operation: Calls the operate() method to handle and process all requests.


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