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Simulation of Solar System Gaming Project in C++


  1. CelestialBody Class:
    • Attributes:
      • name: Name of the celestial body (e.g., planet).
      • distanceFromSun: Average distance from the Sun (in arbitrary units).
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      • orbitalPeriod: Time taken to complete one orbit (in arbitrary time units).
      • angle: Current angle of the body in its orbit.
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      • x, y: Cartesian coordinates of the body.
    • Methods:
      • updatePosition(double time): Updates the position of the celestial body based on time. The angle of the body is calculated and then converted to Cartesian coordinates.
      • printInfo(): Prints the current position of the celestial body.
  2. Main Function:
    • Celestial Bodies Initialization: Creates a list of CelestialBody objects representing planets in the solar system.
    • Simulation Loop:
      • Time Update: Advances the simulation time in discrete steps.
      • Position Update: Updates and prints the position of each celestial body based on the current time.
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