Projects Inventory

Simulation of Solar Panel Efficiency Gaming Project in C++


  1. SolarPanel Class
    • Attributes:
      • area: The area of the solar panel (in square meters).
      • angle: The angle of the solar panel relative to the sunlight (in degrees).
    • Methods:
      • setAngle(double newAngle): Sets a new angle for the solar panel.
      • calculateEnergyOutput(double sunlightIntensity): Calculates the energy output based on the sunlight intensity and the panel’s angle. The effective sunlight intensity is reduced by the cosine of the angle, and the energy output is calculated using the panel’s efficiency.
      • printInfo(double sunlightIntensity): Prints the current state of the solar panel, including the area, angle, sunlight intensity, and energy output.
  2. Main Function:
    • Solar Panel Creation: Initializes a SolarPanel object with a specified area and initial angle.
    • Simulation Loop:
      • Energy Calculation: Prints the solar panel’s information, including the energy output based on the current sunlight intensity.
      • Angle Update: Updates the panel’s angle and simulates decreasing sunlight intensity over time.


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