Simulation of Quantum Computing Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • PI: Mathematical constant π used for generating random angles.
  2. Type Alias:
    • Complex: Alias for std::complex<double> to represent complex numbers for quantum amplitudes.
  3. Class Qubit:
    • Purpose: Represents a quantum bit (qubit) and provides functionality to initialize, print its state, and measure it.
    • Constructor Qubit(double theta):
      • Initializes the qubit state with a given angle theta.
      • Alpha: Amplitude for the |0> state.
      • Beta: Amplitude for the |1> state, with a random phase.
    • Method printState():
      • Prints the current state of the qubit in the form α|0> + β|1>.
    • Method measure():
      • Computes probabilities of measuring the qubit in the |0> or |1> states.
      • Prints the probabilities.
      • Simulates a measurement by randomly choosing between |0> and |1> based on these probabilities.
  4. Main Function:
    • Setup: Seeds the random number generator for measurement simulations.
    • User Input: Prompts the user to enter an angle theta to initialize the qubit.
    • Simulation:
      • Initializes a Qubit instance with the given angle.
      • Prints the qubit’s state.
      • Performs a measurement and displays the result.


  • Quantum State Representation: Demonstrates how a qubit can be initialized in a superposition state.
  • Measurement Simulation: Simulates the process of measuring a qubit and collapsing its state based on quantum probabilities.

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