Simulation of Quantum Tunneling Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • PI: Mathematical constant π.
    • HBAR: Reduced Planck’s constant (h/2π), crucial for quantum mechanics calculations.
    • MASS: Mass of an electron (in kilograms), used for wave function calculations.
  2. Function waveFunction(double x, double potential, double energy, double width):
    • Purpose: Computes the wave function of a particle given a potential barrier and energy.
    • Parameters:
      • x: Position where the wave function is evaluated.
      • potential: Height of the potential barrier.
      • energy: Energy of the particle.
      • width: Width of the potential barrier.
    • Implementation:
      • Calculates wave numbers k and kappa based on the potential and energy.
      • Applies different formulas for the wave function inside and outside the potential barrier.
      • Returns the computed wave function value.
  3. Function simulateQuantumTunneling(double potential, double energy, double width, int numPoints):
    • Purpose: Simulates and prints the quantum tunneling effect across a range of positions.
    • Parameters:
      • potential: Height of the potential barrier.
      • energy: Energy of the particle.
      • width: Width of the potential barrier.
      • numPoints: Number of discrete points to compute and display.
    • Implementation:
      • Computes positions and corresponding wave functions using the waveFunction function.
      • Prints the results in a tabulated format.
  4. Main Function:
    • Setup: Defines parameters for potential, energy, width of the barrier, and number of points for simulation.
    • Simulation: Calls simulateQuantumTunneling to compute and display the wave function over a range of positions.


  • Quantum Tunneling Simulation: Provides a basic simulation of quantum tunneling through a potential barrier.
  • Wave Function Visualization: Helps visualize how the wave function of a particle changes as it interacts with a potential barrier.

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