Simulation of Recommendation Systems Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • NUM_USERS: Number of users in the system.
    • NUM_ITEMS: Number of items available for rating.
  2. Function computeSimilarity(const std::vector<double>& user1, const std::vector<double>& user2):
    • Purpose: Computes the cosine similarity between two users based on their item ratings.
    • Parameters:
      • user1, user2: Vectors of ratings for two different users.
    • Implementation:
      • Computes the dot product and norms of the vectors.
      • Calculates similarity using the formula dotProduct / (norm1 * norm2).
  3. Function recommendItems(const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& ratings, int targetUser):
    • Purpose: Recommends items to a specific user based on the ratings of other users.
    • Parameters:
      • ratings: 2D vector representing the ratings matrix.
      • targetUser: Index of the user for whom recommendations are to be generated.
    • Implementation:
      • Uses similarity scores to compute weighted item scores.
      • Predicts ratings for items not yet rated by the target user.
      • Outputs the recommended items with their predicted ratings.
  4. Main Function:
    • Setup: Defines an example ratings matrix.
    • User Input: Prompts the user to enter the target user number.
    • Recommendation: Calls recommendItems to provide recommendations based on the target user’s preferences.


  • Recommendation System Simulation: Demonstrates a basic collaborative filtering approach to recommend items based on user similarities.
  • User Preferences: Shows how ratings from similar users can influence recommendations for an individual user.

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