Simulation of Simple Harmonic Motion Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • PI: Mathematical constant π.
    • AMPLITUDE: Maximum displacement of the object from its equilibrium position.
    • FREQUENCY: The frequency of oscillation in Hertz (Hz).
    • PHASE: Phase shift in radians, affecting the initial position of the oscillation.
  2. Function calculatePosition(double time):
    • Purpose: Calculates the position of the object at a given time based on Simple Harmonic Motion.
    • Formula: Uses the equation position = AMPLITUDE * sin(2 * π * FREQUENCY * time + PHASE) to compute the position.
  3. Main Function:
    • Simulation Parameters:
      • startTime: Starting time for the simulation.
      • endTime: Ending time for the simulation.
      • timeStep: Time increment for each simulation step.
    • Simulation Loop:
      • Iterates from startTime to endTime, calculating and printing the position of the object at each time step.


  • SHM Simulation: Models the oscillatory motion of an object based on Simple Harmonic Motion principles.
  • Position Calculation: Uses trigonometric functions to calculate and print the position of the object over time.

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