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Simulation of Time Management Gaming Project in C++


  1. Task Class:
    • Attributes:
      • name: Name of the task.
      • duration: Total duration of the task in seconds.
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      • timeLeft: Remaining time for the task.
    • Methods:
      • update(): Reduces the timeLeft by one unit if the task is not complete.
      • isComplete(): Checks if the task is complete.
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      • printStatus(): Prints the current status of the task, including time left and whether it is complete.
  2. simulateTimeManagement Function:
    • Continuously updates and prints the status of each task.
    • Checking Completion: If all tasks are complete, the simulation ends.
    • Time Simulation: Uses std::this_thread::sleep_for to simulate the passage of time (1 second per iteration).
  3. Main Function:
    • Creates a list of tasks with different names and durations.
    • Starts the time management simulation by calling simulateTimeManagement


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