Simulation of Weather Patterns Gaming Project in C++


  1. Constants:
    • INITIAL_TEMPERATURE: Starting temperature in degrees Celsius.
    • TEMPERATURE_VARIATION: Maximum daily variation in temperature.
    • INITIAL_PRECIPITATION: Starting precipitation amount in millimeters.
    • PRECIPITATION_CHANCE: Probability of precipitation occurring on any given day.
    • MAX_PRECIPITATION: Maximum amount of precipitation that can occur in a day.
    • NUM_DAYS: Number of days to simulate.
  2. randomDouble Function:
    • Generates a random double between min and max using the rand() function.
    • This function is used to add variability to temperature and precipitation values.
  3. simulateWeather Function:
    • Simulates daily weather patterns for a specified number of days.
    • Temperature Update: Each day, the temperature is updated with a random variation.
    • Precipitation Update: Each day has a chance of precipitation, with the amount determined if precipitation occurs.
    • Outputs the daily temperature and precipitation values.
  4. Main Function:
    • Seeds the random number generator with the current time to ensure different results on each run.
    • Calls simulateWeather to run the simulation and output the weather patterns for the given number of days.


  • Initial Conditions: The simulation starts with a temperature of 20°C and no precipitation.
  • Temperature Variation: The temperature changes randomly within a specified range each day.
  • Precipitation Chance: There is a 30% chance each day of some precipitation occurring, with the amount varying up to 20 mm.

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