SRS Document of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project


This document will offer all features and procedures to develop the “Online Animals Buy and Sale”.com Application. “Online Animals Buy and Sale”.com is an online sale purchase platform in which users can avail the service of buying and selling animals, get the live location of the animal, and can get the animal verified by a specialized veterinary doctor.

It saves the time that will take to visit the marketplace to buy or sell any animal. It will help reduce the load on physical animal marketplace. For people unfamiliar with the area they are in they can easily get the best suited verified animal according to their demand. This Web Application is responsive website. The effective use of this application can help save money, buyers can get to the exact location of the real buyers.


This Web Application provides facility to everyone to sell /purchase animal at their location. It saves time as it allows the seller to share his/her location. Buyers can find the location of a nearest seller. Sellers can also get the directions for verifying their animal by a doctor.

Administrator has the privileges to add, update, and delete the buyers and sellers in the Database. They have the privilege to allow users to become sellers. Buyers can register into the system and can use these facilities. They can also be a seller and buyer at the same account.


  • This application can be used in every location and in any city.
  • It can be used anywhere any time because it is a web based application.
  • No manual movement of seller for verifying animal.
  • Less time consumption, because buyers don’t have to visit the marketplace physically.
  • In unknown areas, find animals with ease.
  • Request Doctor for verification with a single tap.
  • Complain facility available for the buyers against the sellers

Tools for Development

The “Online Animals Buy and Sale”.com (Online Animal Market)” System would be developed using the following tools and technologies:

  1. Microsoft Windows 8 or above Operating System
  2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Visual Studio 2019
  4. MS SQL Server 2019 (Database)
  5. net MVC/ C# (Language)

Expected Outcome

The application is expected to provide a simple and user-friendly interface application.

Activity Index
Activity Index

No Activity Duration Deliverables
1 Proposal & Review 3 Weeks Approved Proposal Document
2 System Analysis 2 Weeks SRS
3 System Design 3 Weeks Design Document
4 System Development 2 Weeks Executable Deliverable 1
5 Development Review 3 Weeks Executable Deliverable 2
6 System Testing 1 Week Executable Deliverable 3
7 System Integration and 1 Week Executable Deliverable 4


More helping Material for Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

  1. SRS Document of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  2. Download ASP source code of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  3. Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  4. Use case diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  5. Use Case Descriptions of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  6. Class diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale FYP
  7. Sequence diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  8. ERD diagram of SALE PURCHASE Entity relationship diagram
  9. Software Testing of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  10. PPT Presentation of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

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